”Colouring the Grey – State of Mind” is the second exhibition of the Romanian sequel ”Colouring the Grey” curated by Cosmin Năsui, with the artists Radu Belcin, Dragos Burlacu, Francisc Chiuariu, Ana Maria Micu, Catalin Petrisor, Flavia Pitis, Bogdan Rata and Aurel Tar. The first project, presented at Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art 2011, proposed a common vision and statement for a new wave of an emerging generation of Romanian contemporary artists. This second curatorial project approaches new artists and a deepen conceptual component: a particular state of mind generated by grey and by its coloring within conceptual, social, historic and artistic frameworks. It is to be exhibited in Artists House, Tel Aviv from November 27 to December 17, 2011.